Press release reopen arts education

Press release reopen arts education Arts Educational schools have been operating safely following health protocols since July 2020. Our schools are not considered a source of virus spread and have offered huge relief to the mental well-being of thousands of students of various ages who have had their life style so drastically changed as a […]

Towards 2021 in the creative economy – Toni Attard

Towards 2021 in the creative economy – Toni Attard Updated on 12/11/2020 at 13:29- Buisness Weekly In 2019, the United Nations declared 2021 as International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development. Whereas the creative economy has no single definition it is widely accepted that it covers the knowledge-based economic activities upon which the ‘creative industries’ […]

The unexplored potential of the art’s industry in Malta

The unexplored potential of the arts industry in Malta Updated on 07/01/2021 at 15:01 on Buisness Weekly Maria Galea, Creative Entrepreneur and Visual Arts Chairperson at MEIA , Founder of ARTZ ID The international visual arts market has blossomed into a global economy in the past generation, through auction sales, high-end contemporary galleries and international […]