MEIA and MPA Announces Selection Process for Malta's Official Submission to the International Feature Film Category

The Malta Academy Selection Committee (MASC) is thrilled to announce its process for selecting Malta’s official entry for the International Feature Film category at the forthcoming awards ceremony. This initiative underscores MASC’s dedication to celebrating global cinema and amplifying diverse voices in film.

An international film is defined as a feature-length motion picture with a runtime exceeding 40 minutes, produced outside the United States and its territories, and featuring predominantly (over 50%) non-English dialogue. This category includes animated and documentary films, ensuring a broad representation of global cinematic artistry.

The selection process is governed by rules and guidelines for the formation and operation of selection committees are designed to ensure fairness and transparency. Each participating country is invited to submit one film, chosen by an approved committee. At least 50% of the committee must be comprised of artists and/or craftspeople from the motion picture industry, reflecting the Academy’s commitment to recognizing expertise and artistic excellence within the field.

For detailed rules and guidelines on the International Feature Film category, please visit:

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify, the selected film must have been first released in its country of origin between November 1, 2023, and September 30, 2024. Additionally, the film must have been publicly screened for at least seven consecutive days in a commercial theater, allowing audiences to fully experience the filmmaker’s artistic vision.

Selection Process

The selection committee will utilize a solicitation and submission method. MEIA and MPA, representing approximately 90% of producers in Malta, will email their members, inviting film submissions. A public call for entries will also be made through press releases in independent media, including online platforms, and promoted on social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and the respective association websites.

The final selection will be determined by an open discussion and secret ballot among the committee members and the chairperson.

Evaluation Criteria

All committee members will view the submitted films and rate them based on the following criteria, with 1 being the lowest and 10 the highest:

  • The story is compelling
  • The story has something to say
  • I was affected by it on an emotional level
  • The story has the ability to start a conversation
  • The film feels fresh, in cinematic terms
  • The story is told in an innovative way
  • The film feels complete
  • The direction is even-handed
  • The casting and performances are strong
  • The film is finished to the highest technical standards
  • The film connects to the broader human condition
  • The film presents a Maltese ‘voice’, representing Malta’s culture
  • The edit is tight
  • The use of Maltese is realistic (Maltese must be used in over 50% of the film)
  • Overall rating

The Chairperson will review the ratings to identify the three highest-scoring films, which will advance to the next selection round. The committee will then discuss these top three films to finalize the choice. If consensus is not reached, a vote will be conducted. In the event of a tie, the Chairperson will cast the deciding vote.

One film will ultimately be chosen as Malta’s nomination for the Academy Awards.

For more details on the submission process and guidelines, please contact the Malta Academy Selection Committee at

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Photo Credits: Albert Camilleri